28 May, 2009

End Of The Road

"This blog started just over four years ago, when some construction guys outside my house said something I found kind of funny.

Four years later, there's more construction outside my house, but I haven't had time to listen for anything funny.

Seems a fitting time to admit I've been way too busy; people on the bus have been way too on-their-iPods-and-not-saying-anything-I-found-interesting; and many other Overheard sites have sprung up that can easily fill your day better than I can.

So this is the final blog post. Thanks for the submissions and the loyal readership!"



James (UK) said...

Shame, but thanks for the laughs.

Why not just see if you can do one a month instead?

Lisa Biggs Crum said...

I just discovered this blog a couple months ago. Enjoyed it tremendously - always eager to open the RSS feed in my mail. If you must go, please don't delete the blog. Everyone needs to find a laugh in life and your blog is a great place to stumble upon for just the right dose.

Sad truth about the iPods-and-not-saying-anything. I try to keep my kids' ears unplugged when there is potential for real live conversation. It is definitely something we all need to be aware of. I miss being able to exchange a simple "hello" to others walking by - they won't hear me with the earbuds blocking my voice. I just hope the smile speaks - but many times they don't even look my way.

May our creative God of humor bless you with refreshing laughter everyday - even if you don't have time to share it on this blog.

vivian said...

True there are other Overheard sites, but yours has always been my favourite. I will miss it. Thanks so much for the last 4 years.

Ali B. said...

My favorite overheard blog too. Thanks for the fun. :)

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

dang... well good luck with all your stuff...thanks for the laughs

lissa said...

sad to see it go but everyone has to move on sometimes

thanks for the laughs

Viewtiful_Justin said...

This is tragic.

Silliyak said...

So long and thanks for all the fish...

Nonni said...

Oh, and just yesterday I was walking past two women along the canal, and one was saying, "And I said, swear on your lover's life you're not sleeping with her!" (That alone was just too confusing. Are they lover's? But not sleeping-together lovers? What other kind are there?) Then she went on. "Well, he wouldn't swear on it, so I was pretty sure, but then, when I went to visit him in prison, I knew because . . . " and at that point, I was past them and couldn't hear any longer. Oh well.

We'll miss these lines.

Yes, do leave the site up.

Tace said...

But I know how it goes and respect the decision to move on but I shall still experience a pang of "awwwwwwwwwwwww darn".
Do not fear that ipods and whatnots have muffled the weird public conversations of people. :) As long as there are cell phones, and that's just a fad that won't go away, there are people having long, drawn out fascinatingly public conversations in line at the grocery store. :)

Eric Riback said...

Thanks and good luck.

princess jen said...

Really bummed... LOVE this site and going to miss it.

Unknown said...

We'll miss it!

erik hogstrom said...

That's a shame. This site was consistently FUNNY. Thanks for the laughs!

~PinginRua~ said...

That's a pity.

I really enjoyed this blog. :) 'Twas always good for a laugh..

I'll certainly miss it!

Slippy Lane said...

I will not go quietly into the night.

Why not leave the blog up, or hand it over to someone with more time? Seems a shame to lose 4 years worth of followers in one sweep like that. Okay, so you may not get to post for a while, you may find that competitors sites have bigger followings, but one day you might be sitting there, bored and restless, and suddenly remember something amusing you heard someone say in the supermarket, and before you know it, you'll be back in the zone.

SF said...

that sucks you have to leave.i don't know of any Overheard imitators fortunately, so don't delete your stuff.Thanks for the laughs.

Nonni said...

I agree with Skippy -- even if you come back on a limited basis, that'll work. You'll find a day when you have something to post, so never say never. I've been blogging for years, and I know what you mean about the feeling of having to do it, but turn that into, "I'll post a few now and then." And truthfully, to copy and paste soemthing we send you takes, what, ten minutes? Do one every week or two. It's fine.

Nonni said...

See, we even had a good one in the comments (above): "And that's a fad that won't go away . . . " (So obviously cell-phones are not a fad, are they? Fads do go away, non-fads stay.)

Alicia said...

No!!!!! Your blog is the original and needs to stay up! Honestly, your readers don't care how often you post, just that you do. We promise to step up the eavesdropping and send you more stuff. Just post it at your convenience. OK, my plea is over now. If you decide to go ahead and stop posting, just know that you will be missed and I for one will continue to link your blog to mine.

Saskia said...

Understandable, but really a shame..

Marnie said...

I've had many a good laugh here and I'm sorry to see you bow out, but do what you've gotta do. Maybe an occasional post if you get the urge? Thanks for all your work here.

Anonymous said...

I found the blog not so long ago but always loved the quotes. Thanks so much for the laughs. :)

awesomeweirdo said...

Too bad... This was a fun site.
And Silliyak, I'm sure you know, the answer is 42. ;)

sarahmarie said...

this is the worst idea you have ever had ;( but thanks for all the laughs :)

Maria said...

Timmm nooooo :(

I'm going to miss this.


Scape7 said...

Damn, man, I'm really sorry to hear this. I mean … really. Words obviously can't express it. And yours was the ONLY overheard-lines site I visited.

And I was just about to send you one I heard today, too.


Vulturo said...

Thank you for giving us this blog. It was great while it lasted.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to see it go. I had a feed of postings going to my Google Reader, and it was always refreshing to read some of the bizarre things people said.

Pete said...

Tanks for the mammaries.

Allen Ginsberg In Space said...


soo-zah-nah said...

Darn...I finally had something to contribute...here it is anywise!

Just overheard when walking by an outdoor cafe on Wabash St. (downtown Chicago): "No, not the spice... I'm talking about a synonym."

Old Bolingbroke said...

Hey, that's a shame, Tim. And just when I'd at last overheard something worth telling you about.

It's hardly worth going to the pub any more.


pilgrimchick said...

This is SO disappointing. You did a fantastic job, and I always looked forward to a new post from you.

Anna said...

Hey, thank you for all the giggles you brought! I'm very sad to hear you're stopping, but I'm sure you have your reasons. I've followed this blog for the past two years, and was always glad to see an update. You even posted one of my suggestions! So, thank you, and hope others have enjoyed this blog as much as I have.

Josh Carter said...

Man, I can't believe you're not posting anymore. (I just came online since, like, 3 months. So yeah...) Tim, as a loyal reader of your site, I can honestly say that other "overheard websites" are total turds. (Keeping it family friendly. :D)

Your site is the only good one, please don't stop. Here's a line I overheard, anyways.

Guy 1: What would your life be without me here?
Guy 2: I'd probably be lonely and miserable.
Guy 1: Oh, okay. Bye. (Then guy 1 leaves his friend)

Hal said...

Motion to take out the earphone; say, "Ipod's cause cancer." Nod, and carry on.