01 December, 2008

'Good Name. Bad Names.'

Woman: "Dust and Glitter. That's a great name."
Man: "For what?"
Woman: "It's a store."
Man: "Ah, okay. Good name for a store. Not good for twins."
Woman: "Poor Dust. 'Mom always liked you better, Glitter.'"



Gina said...

As a twin, I am personally offended by rhyming or otherwise matchy-matchy names for twins. Can you believe it- I met Opal and Diamond, and I have heard rumors about Harmony and Melody? Ick. But I hate it when kids are named after virtues anyway; it seems like the parents are desperately hoping that their kids will turn out okay. Do you know how hard it is to yell to Justice across the gym during dodgeball without feeling like some psychotic, over-competitive person? Then again, Justice is friends with Charity...

Gina said...

Did anyone else react to this immediately like these were names of street drugs?

Okay, nevermind...

Theatrefolk said...

As a playwright who's always telling students to go eavesdrop on people, this is awesome!!

Anonymous said...

Harmony and Melody. That's almost as bad as Dust and Glitter!! Ha.

I saw a kid the other day named Imagination who kept getting in trouble. It was funny to hear mom yell, "Imagination--sit DOWN!!"